The Modular Stackable Cable Clamp (MSMC) by icotek is used for easy, quick and secure fastening of cables, pipes and other cylindrical components. The variable clamping range is up to 16 mm. The great advantage of this cable cleat is that it can be easily extended by stacking or baying. By using the CMC30 coupler, different clamping areas can be connected to each other. The MSMC offers a very high level of corrosion protection thanks to the choice of materials for the cable clamps and screws.
In our latest white paper, we look into how Moxa Access Control Lists (ACLs) can enhance the security of your industrial network. While port security is great for blocking untrusted users, Moxa ACLs take it a step further by filtering traffic from trusted users or devices that may pose a risk.
Many customers who have Starlink do not realise its limitations when trying to implement VPN technology. Starlink uses CGNAT (carrier grade network translation), - CGNAT does not support port forwarding to an internal service – such as a VPN, web servers etc… nor does it allocate a routable static IP address. Outbound sessions operate just like any other internet service, allowing traffic to flow back and forth over an established session state.