Unscreened Indoor Drag chain


Assembly lines, production lines, in all kinds of machines

Wide range of unscreened indoor drag chain cables available for various indoor applications.

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ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 2X0.5 (No Earth) LAPP-0026100
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 2X0.5 (No Earth) LAPP-1026700
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 3G0.5 (2 + E) LAPP-0026101
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 3G0.5 (2 + E) LAPP-1026701
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC FD 810, PVC sheath, VDE, classic for multi-functional use, 4G0.5 (3 + E) LAPP-0026102
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 4G0.5 (3 + E) LAPP-1026702
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 5G0.5 (4 + E) LAPP-0026103
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 5G0.5 (4 + E) LAPP-1026703
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 7G0.5 (6 + E) LAPP-0026104
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 7G0.5 (6 + E) LAPP-1026704
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 12G0.5 (11 + E) LAPP-0026105
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 12G0.5 (11 + E) LAPP-1026705
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 18G0.5 (17 + E) LAPP-0026106
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 18G0.5 (17 + E) LAPP-1026706
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 25G0.5 (24 + E) LAPP-0026107
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 25G0.5 (24 + E) LAPP-1026707
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC FD 810, PVC sheath, VDE, classic for multi-functional use, 30G0.5 (29 + E) LAPP-0026108
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC FD 810, PVC sheath, VDE, classic for multi-functional use, 34G0.5 (33 + E) LAPP-0026109
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC FD 810, PVC sheath, VDE, classic for multi-functional use, 50G0.5 (49 + E) LAPP-0026110
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 2X0.75 (No Earth) LAPP-0026119
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 2X0.75 (No Earth) LAPP-1026708
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 3G0.75 (2 + E) LAPP-0026120
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 3G0.75 (2 + E) LAPP-1026709
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 4G0.75 (3 + E) LAPP-0026121
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 4G0.75 (3 + E) LAPP-1026710
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 5G0.75 (4 + E) LAPP-0026122
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 5G0.75 (4 + E) LAPP-1026711
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 7G0.75 (6 + E) LAPP-0026123
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 7G0.75 (6 + E) LAPP-1026712
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 12G0.75 (11 + E) LAPP-0026124
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 12G0.75 (11 + E) LAPP-1026713
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 16G0.75 (15 + E) LAPP-0026125
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 18G0.75 (17 + E) LAPP-0026126
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 18G0.75 (17 + E) LAPP-1026714
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 25G0.75 (24 + E) LAPP-0026127
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 25G0.75 (24 + E) LAPP-1026715
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 2X1 (No Earth) LAPP-0026130
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 2X1.0 (No Earth) LAPP-1026716
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 3G1 (2 + E) LAPP-0026131
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 3G1 (2 + E) LAPP-1026717
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 4G1 (3 + E) LAPP-0026132
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 4G1.0 (3 + E) LAPP-1026718
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 5G1 (4 + E) LAPP-0026133
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 5G1.0 (4 + E) LAPP-1026719
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 7G1 (6 + E) LAPP-0026134
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 7G1.0 (6 + E) LAPP-1026720
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 12G1 (11 + E) LAPP-0026135
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock
ÖLFLEX® CHAIN 809, Grey, PVC sheath and core insulation, drag chain, UL 12G1 (11 + E) LAPP-1026721
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC FD 810, PVC sheath, VDE, classic for multi-functional use, 16G1 (15 + E) LAPP-0026137
(Per/m excl GST)
Global Stock
ÖLFLEX® 810 FD Drag Chain Rated Numbered Flex 18G1 (17 + E) LAPP-0026138
(Per/m excl GST)
In Stock