Industrial Device Servers


NPORT IA5000A Series

MOXA NPort Industrial Device Servers offer enhanced surge protection and have certifications for hazardous locations including rolling stock and wayside. In addition, all the devices are designed to ensure reliable serial-to-Ethernet connectivity when operating in harsh environments such as oil and gas and power automation.

per page
1-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet ports MOXA-IA-5150A
(Each excl GST)
In Stock
1-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet, 2KV isolation MOXA-IA5150AI
(Each excl GST)
On Request
1-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet, 2KV isolation MOXA-IA5150AI-T
(Each excl GST)
On Request
1-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet ports MOXA-IA5150A-T
(Each excl GST)
On Request
1-port RS-232/422/485 device server with 1 multi-mode SC MOXA-NPORT-IA5150#11
(Each excl GST)
On Request
2-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet ports MOXA-NPORT-IA5250A
(Each excl GST)
In Stock
2-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet, 2KV isolation MOXA-NPORT-IA5250AI
(Each excl GST)
On Request
2-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet, 2KV isolation MOXA-IA5250AI-T
(Each excl GST)
On Request
2-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet ports MOXA-NPORT-IA5250A-T
(Each excl GST)
On Request
4-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet ports MOXA-NPort-IA5450A
(Each excl GST)
On Order
4-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet, 2KV isolation MOXA-NPORT-IA5450AI
(Each excl GST)
On Request
4-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet, 2KV isolation MOXA-IA5450AI-T
(Each excl GST)
On Request
4-port industrial device server with surge protection, two Ethernet ports MOXA-NPort IA5450A-T
(Each excl GST)
On Request